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Home View data published by RTE {{item}} {{item.label}} Generation forecasts and installed power of capacities under a Compulsory Purchase Contract (CPC) with EDF {{vm.currentItem}}

For the selected day, the curves hereunder show the generation forecast of all the installed capacities under a compulsory purchase contract (CPC) with EDF. These data are compiled by EDF and result from EDF’s forecast models. They are made available by RTE. These forecasts are given as the average power (MW) for each
quarter-hourly or half-hourly periods of the selected day in accordance with the imbalance settlement period in force.
The “reference forecast” is established the day before the selected day at 11:00.
The “last forecast” is the most recent forecast available for the selected day. These forecasts will be updated :

  • Twice on D-3 at 11:00 and 13:00
  • Twice on D-2 at 11:00 and 13:00
  • 4 times on D-1 at 11:00, 13:00, 19:00 and 23:00
  • 23 times during the selected day, each hour form midnight to 22:00

The potential power production of cogeneration units (MDSE) is not included in the forecasts established before D-1 at 12:00. These data are distinguished and available on the tab « Potential production of cogeneration units ».
The following production forecasts include the production of cogeneration units (MDSE) sold on the market

If there is no forecast published in D-1 before 11:00 on this website or on the EDF website:, EDF will submit volumes on EPEX Spot based on the latest forecast at its disposal for D-day

prev OA

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These production forecasts are provided by EDF and published by RTE for information purposes only and are not legally binding. They are intended for energy-market players only. Such players undertake to take appropriate steps to verify the quality of the published data. RTE is not responsible for any mistakes, inaccuracies, or omissions in the data. As a consequence, RTE shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the use of the data.

RTE disclaims all liability in case of total or partial interruption of the publications. Only a warning message will be published on the site in case the data is not disclosed when it is due.

If there is no forecast published in D-1 before 11:00 on this website or on the EDF website:, EDF will submit volumes on EPEX Spot based on the latest forecast at its disposal for D-day

According to the French Regulatory Commission of Energy deliberation N°2017-246 about CPC data, the new single gaz market (TRF), is operational since November 1st, 2018.

For the selected day, the curves hereunder show the potential power generation forecast of cogeneration units under a compulsory purchase contract (CPC) with EDF-OA, that have chosen to be available the electrical system (MDSE).
These data are compiled by EDF are made available by RTE.
These forecasts are related to dispatchable capacity, uttered in average for quarter-hourly or half-hourly periods in accordance with the imbalance settlement period in force. They are distinguished according to their contract price of electricity really produced:

  • TRF: Installations with a purchased contract indexed to market prices for products delivered in France,
  • STS: Installations with a purchased contract indexed to regulated gas supply price STS.

After Epex-Spot closing (12:00), the generation sold is reintegrated into the generation forecast of capacities under a compulsory contract with EDF-OA.After Epex's closing (12:00), the generation sold is reintegrated into the generation forecast of capacities under a compulsory contract with EDF-OA.

prev mdse

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By accessing this website, each user accepts the present disclaimer.

These generation forecasts are provided by EDF and published by RTE as a part of the deliberation issued by the French Energy Regulatory Commission on 29 june 2023 relating to « la méthodologie d’évaluation des charges de service public de l’énergie en métropole continentale » (N°2023-177). These data are for information purposes only and are not legally binding. They are intended for energy-market players only. Such players undertake to take appropriate steps to verify the quality of the published data. EDF and RTE are not responsible for any mistakes, inaccuracies, or omissions in the data. As a consequence, EDF and RTE shall not be liable for any damage of any nature, directly or indirectly resulting from the use or distribution of the data.

EDF and RTE disclaim all liability in case of total or partial interruption of the publications. Only a warning message will be published by EDF on the site in case the data is not disclosed when it is due.

The forecast data on EDF CPC generation and the Potential generation forecasts of cogeneration units MDSE of EDF are also available on the EDF website in case of publication lack on the present page and insofar of EDF technical capacities. The data published on the customers RTE portail prevails over.

The published data are compiled by EDF-OA and related to the installed capacities of production units under a compulsory purchase contract with EDF-OA.
The published capacity is presented by production type and by network connection, available for the France’s perimeter and for each France's administrative department.
These data are updated at least once per month.

capa OA

Legal disclaimer

By accessing this website, each user accepts the present disclaimer.

These data are provided by EDF and published by RTE as a part of the deliberation issued by the French Energy Regulatory Commission on 16 December 2014 relating to “l’évolution de la méthodologie de calcul du coût évité par l’électricité produite sous obligation d’achat en métropole continentale”. These data are for information purposes only and are not legally binding. They are intended for energy-market players only. Such players undertake to take appropriate steps to verify the quality of the published data. EDF and RTE are not responsible for any mistakes, inaccuracies, or omissions in the data. As a consequence, EDF and RTE shall not be liable for any damage of any nature, directly or indirectly, resulting from the use or distribution of the data.

EDF and RTE disclaim all liability in case of total or partial interruption of the publications. Only a warning message will be published by RTE on the site in case the data is not disclosed when it is due.

The forecast data on EDF CPC generation and the Potential generation forecasts of cogeneration units MDSE of EDF are also available on the EDF website in case of publication lack on the present page and insofar of EDF technical capacities. The data published on the customers RTE portail prevails over.